Don’t let resignation & recruitment phase you, ThirdLine is like 30 analysts working for you, making you look like a data wizard (with a secret no-code analytic solution).
ThirdLine's origin began by helping cities and counties with analytics for Tyler Munis and Workday ERP systems. ThirdLine’s leadership has decades of experience as “the data person” in cities, counties, and school districts. We know the pain of pulling and analyzing data while being short-staffed.
Time & Error are always a risk when you only have one data person. As a team created by data people, ThirdLine understands this risk and validate obsessively.
Excel, ACL, Python, Power BI, Tableau: amazing tools that come with a cost - the risk of 1 small coding error creating a large margin of error. Research shows 88% of excel sheets have errors.
Analytics are time-consuming and tedious. It takes a person that can code and understand finance, audit, & IT needs. A technology-advanced municipality with a 5-person analytics team may create 10 continuous audit analytics in a year. Is it worth the cost?
ThirdLine turns on with hundreds of no-code analytics out of the box to empower audit, finance, accounting, & IT.
Schedule your DemoAudits are halfway done before day 1 because the population or sample is ready to go. We cull the haystack free of false-positives so what’s left is real control and fraud risk. Now, the needle can be found.
Forget SSRS and Crystal Reports. Built in monitoring an dashboards for hundreds of the crowd-sourced reports.
Always know where the risk is and where to look next. From Vendors, Employees, to transactions, we help you loo at what matters.
Cyber Security & ERP User Access go hand-in-hand. Our product for Roles & Permissions make it easy with 50+ analytics for segregation of duties.
“I'm supposed to periodically examine the records, accounts, and inventories of the City of Tulsa, but I've gone beyond that in that I've learned a way to continuously monitor the accounts, records, and inventory by using the data analytics that will put on a dashboard the things that I need to be concerned about.”
Cathy Carter
Elected City Auditor, City of Tulsa