Segregation of Duties Analytics

Limit exposure to fraud by managing all user roles, identify high-risk permissions, and resolve active permission conflicts.

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Limit your organization’s exposure to fraud through clearly defined access. Easily manage your organization’s data, functional roles, and the users who have them. Identify and resolve active permissions conflicts and high-risk permissions among employees, approvers, and departments. ThirdLine's Segregation of Duties Audit Intelligence features 55 built-in audit analytics + interactive dashboards for continuous monitoring and analysis

SOD Risk & Internal Controls

Segregation of Duties (SOD) is a basic building block of risk management and internal controls for an organization. For instance, you would not want to allow an employee to both create and approve the same travel and expense claim in your system. Without SOD in place, fraud and error risks are hard to manage. Depending on the number of users with varying roles and permissions in your system, managing appropriate access is even harder. That’s where data analytics comes.

Understand Risks with Audit Analytics

Enterprise Resource Planning systems capture massive amounts of data within your municipality in real time. Automating your ERP data (e.g. data analytics) will allow you to quickly identify and understand risks occurring in your organization and use it to make changes and adjustments for an optimized process and improved performance.

Data analytics are written to track transactions as they move through the ERP workflow. Each analytic is asking a question of transaction. If the transaction meets the criteria, the analytic will flag the transaction. A single transaction could be flagged by multiple analytics.

Examples of SOD Analytics

1. HR Benefits and Process Payroll

  • Step: HR
  • Description: Permissions allow the possibility for a user to change employee HR benefits then process payroll without authorization.
  • Use Case: Resolve improper user access; define roles.

2. Terminated Users

  • Step: IT
  • Description: Flags if a user's role is not removed 7 days after termination, or if the user is terminated and the role is never removed.
  • Use Case: Automate system security and maintenance.

3. Create Contracts and Approve Own Contracts

  • Step: Purchasing
  • Description: Permissions allow the possibility for a user to create and approve their own contracts.
  • Use Case: Resolve improper user access; define roles.

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