Purchasing Card Analytics

Ensure all credit cards are in the right hands, identify risk, and set appropriate limits based on spending trends with our purchasing card analytics.

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Ensure your organization’s credit cards are in the right hands. Set appropriate card limits based on spending trends. Automate detection of fraud, waste, and abuse in order to recover costs without delay. Identify high-risk transactions, employees, approvers, departments, and vendors. ThirdLine's P-Card platform features 40+ built-in audit analytics + interactive dashboards for continuous monitoring and analysis.

P-Card Risk & Internal Controls

Purchasing cards, or p-cards, are credit cards that allow employees to purchase small-dollar goods and services. Unlike cash or checks, p-cards typically have set dollar amount limitations and commodity restrictions. While p-cards offer more control than other payment methods, there still lies inherent risk in permitting money to be spent by employees across an organization. Automating analysis of p-card data will help strengthen controls in issuing and approving p-card and target employee training.

Understand Risks with Audit Analytics

Enterprise Resource Planning systems capture massive amounts of data within your municipality in real time. Automating your ERP data (e.g. data analytics) will allow you to quickly identify and understand risks occurring in your organization and use it to make changes and adjustments for an optimized process and improved performance.

Data analytics are written to track transactions as they move through the ERP workflow. Each analytic is asking a question of transaction. If the transaction meets the criteria, the analytic will flag the transaction. A single transaction could be flagged by multiple analytics.

Examples of P-Card Analytics

1. Split Transactions by Department

  • Step: Cardholder Makes Transaction
  • Description: Flags if a department has multiple transactions within 30 days for a vendor that exceed the PO limit, without a PO.
  • Use Case: Investigate and build control steps; target training.

2. Keyword Analysis

  • Step: Cardholder Writes PO#/ Description
  • Description: Flags if a suspicious keyword (specified by organization) is found in the transaction description field.
  • Use Case: Prioritize audit on p-card trans with keywords.

3. High Approval Volume

  • Step: Transaction Approvals
  • Description: Flags if an approver has a higher daily volume of approvals than expected.
  • Use Case: Monitor volume trends by approver.

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